We can do a lot with just brushing, flossing, and generally taking care of our teeth. With only a few preventive dental procedures, many of which you can do at home, you can keep your teeth bright, firm, and healthy. However, sometimes, this is not enough. It only takes one mistake to leave us with broken teeth that no normal dental procedure can fix. When this happens, you need a cosmetic dentist.

Cosmetic dentistry fixes the worse dental problems. While you should avoid it as much as possible, , cosmetic tools such as dentures, veneers, and other types of false teeth can save your teeth and life in a pinch, and restore your smile to its former glory.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns (or caps) cover your remaining teeth to restore their original shape and size. We use them to protect and strengthen your teeth when no other type of restoration or filling will do.

What Types of Crowns Are Available?

We have several different types of dental crowns designed to serve different needs.

  • Stainless steel crowns are temporary crowns we affix to your teeth to protect them whole we wait for your permanent crowns to arrive. We also use them to fix children’s teeth.
  • Gold or palladium metal crowns fix lightly-damaged molars to protect them from additional wear and tear.
  • Color-adjustable porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns complement metal crowns for your front or back teeth.
  • Zirconia or milled crowns require only one visit and no impressions to do their jobs.

By far the most popular, porcelain dental crowns look like your natural teeth, and will last you for years before needing a replacement, though they are not as strong as metal crowns.

Reasons for crowns

Dental crowns are last resort measures to restore your smile in case of an emergency or otherwise urgent situation. Some of these situations include:

  • Protecting a weak tooth from breaking or to hold a cracked tooth together
  • Restoring broken or severely worn down teeth
  • Providing support for fillings on a severely broken and deteriorated tooth
  • Holding dental bridges or implant in place
  • Hiding deteriorated or severely discolored teeth
  • Cosmetic modifications

What does getting a crown involve?

Dental crowns take about two appointments to install. We use the first visit to examine and prepare your tooth. We then place your permanent crown on your second visit.

First Visit: Examining and preparing the tooth.

During your first visit, we take X-rays to see if your roots and jawbone can support a crown. If you need one, we set you up for a root canal. Otherwise, we remove and decay from your teeth while we reshape them to fit your crown. Once completed, we then take an impression of your tooth to serve as the mold for your permanent crown before we fasten your temporary crown to your teeth. We will also select which shade of color would fit in with your remaining teeth as this time.

Second Visit: Receiving the permanent dental crown.

Once your permanent crowns arrive, we will schedule your installation visit. At this time, we will remove your temporary crowns and check the fit and color of your new permanent one. We will also show you how you should care for your new crowns as well as how often you should come in to check them.

How Much Do Crowns Cost?

The costs of your dental crown will vary based upon the type of crown you get and the severity of your situation. Generally, crowns range from $600 to $1500 or more per crown. Most dental insurance will cover a portion of your crown costs, and we accept most dental plans. Please check with your insurance company for more information.

But, we know dental insurance will not cover it all.

That is why we offer CareCredit.

CareCredit helps you afford you healthy smile with special financing options, whether you have insurance or not. It is not dental insurance but a way to get that dental procedure your dentist recommends or that cosmetic treatment to show off your pearly whites without breaking the bank.

You can apply for CareCredt at the same time your schedule your dental crowns so you can stop worrying and get on with your life. That kind of freedom will put a smile on your face.